Monday, February 6, 2012

[TWITTER] 060212 JYJ's Twitter Updates

(According to the time they tweeted)
Colour coded to make reference easier. Jaejoong, Yoo chun, Junsu

00:58 KST
@6002theMicky: 경험이 많아도 힘들수있다....단단하기때문에 무너질수있다....
[Trans] Even though you have a lot of experience, it can be difficult....because you are strong, you could crumble.....

00:59 KST
@6002theMicky: 내가 그런가보다...
[Trans] That seems to be the case for me...

01:05 KST
@mjjeje: 터키 좋다~~^^
[Trans] Turkey's great~~^^

01:07 KST
@mjjeje: @6002theMicky 유천아 힘내~준구랑재즐형이 있잖아 ! 촬영 힘들겠지만 화이팅..! 
[Trans] Yoochun-ah, be strong~Jun-gu and Jae-jeul Hyung are here! Even though filming could be tough, hwaiting..!

01:10 KST
@6002theMicky: @mjjeje 술마셨어?? 사랑해~
[Trans] Have you been drinking?? I love you~

01:18 KST
@mjjeje: @6002theMicky 여기 아직 6시인데 술은무슨~ 사랑혀~~그리고 힘냐~ 형 생일날 말한거 생각하면 좀 힘날껴^^
[Trans] It's still 6pm here, what alcohol would I be drinking~ I love youz~~ And be strongz~ Think of what I said on my birthday and lift your spirits up a bit^^

T/N: Jaejoong was typing cutelyㅠ 사랑혀, 힘냐, ^^; You get the point.

01:19 KST
@6002theMicky: @mjjeje 그때 우리 셋다~살짝 사랑스러웠지~
[Trans] At that time all three of us~ were a tiny bit lovable, right~

01:23 KST
@6002theMicky: J.Y.J 화이팅!!!!
[Trans] J.Y.J hwaiting!!!!

01:29 KST
@6002theMicky: 재중이형 생일~그때의 대화는 비밀~ 
[Trans] Jaejoongie hyung's birthday~ the secret conversation that time~


01:31 KST
@mjjeje: @6002theMicky 이 사진 ㅎㅎ 너무 생생해 ㅎㅎ
[Trans] This picture ㅎㅎ It's too vivid ㅎㅎ

01:34 KST
@1215thexiahtic: @6002theMicky ㅋㅋ유천아 머해??
[Trans] Yoochun-ah what are you doing?? 

01:34 KST
@6002theMicky: @mjjeje 보고잡네~~~얼른한국으로돌아와~
[Trans] Someone just saw and took it~~~ Quickly come back to Korea~

01:34 KST
@1215thexiahtic: @mjjeje 뭔가재밌었지..유쾌하고ㅋ그나저나 터키는어때??
[Trans] Something was really funny at that time right.. We were so delightedㅋ By the way how's Turkey??

01:38 KST
@mjjeje: @1215thexiahtic 터키 너무좋아 나중에 같이 가자!
[Trans] Turkey's really great, let's go together in future!

01:38 KST
@mjjeje: @6002theMicky 응 촬영장습격을 한번해야겠군!준구랑같이 갈게~
[Trans] Mhmm seems like I have to spring a surprise attack at your filming site once! I'll go together with Jungoo~ 

01:39 KST
@1215thexiahtic: @mjjeje 동유럽의 꽃이래ㅠ
[Trans] They call it the flower of Eastern Europeㅠ

01:40 KST
@6002theMicky: @1215thexiahtic 끄저~
[Trans] That's right~

01:40 KST
@mjjeje: @1215thexiahtic @6002theMicky 그ㄸ대 사진다른컷으로 나도 가지고있어..ㅎ 우린 그날 위험했어 ㅎ
[Trans] I'm also holding a different version of a picture of that night..ㅎ We were dangerous that dayㅎ

01:40 KST
@6002theMicky: @1215thexiahtic 준수야 나 오늘도 신호 준수했엉 사랑혀 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[Trans] Junsu-yah I observed my signal today too. I love you ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

01:43 KST
@1215thexiahtic: @mjjeje @6002theMicky 그날했던 모든 얘기는 다 비밀ㅋ
[Trans] Every single thing we spoke about on that day is top secret

01:43 KST
@1215thexiahtic: @6002theMicky ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

01:45 KST
@1215thexiahtic: @6002theMicky 넌 다좋은데 단점이있다면 안웃긴거같아.....ㅋㅋ
[Trans] Everything about you is good but if you have a flaw.. it's that you're really not funny at all.....ㅋㅋ

01:46 KST
@1215thexiahtic: @6002theMicky 니가나한테 못생긴게 단점이라는 영상은..지금봐도 치명적이야ㅠㅋ
[Trans] The video where you told me that my weak point is being ugly..Even looking at it now would be deadly

01:48 KST
@mjjeje: @1215thexiahtic @6002theMicky 준수한 외모의 유천이는 촬영장에 재중
[Trans] Yoochun who has a handsome face is the center of the filming site.

T/N: Jaejoong made a pun out of Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu's names.

01:49 KST
@6002theMicky: @1215thexiahtic 미안해 준수야 ....나는 이렇게 너를 못웃기고..나가 죽어야지...흑....
[Trans] Sorry Junsu-yah.... Since I failed to make you laugh like this.. I should go out and die... sobs....

01:50 KST
@1215thexiahtic: @mjjeje @6002theMicky 와재밌다
[Trans] Wow that was funny 

01:50 KST
@mjjeje: @6002theMicky @1215thexiahtic 유천이는 표정으로 웃겨줘야함~
[Trans] Yoochunie has to make us laugh using his facial expressions~

01:53 KST
@6002theMicky: 배터리 없어 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[Trans] Battery flat ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

01:57 KST
@1215thexiahtic: @6002theMicky ㅋㅋㅋㅋ얘왜케웃기냐
[Trans] Why is this kid so funny

03:05 KST
@mjjeje: 터키 고양이~
[Trans] Turkish cat~

03:05 KST
@mjjeje: 터키 고양이의 근접사..아 지지 보고싶어졌다
[Trans] An approximation of Turkish cats.. Ah I miss Jiji

T/N: He was trying to mean that he had close contact with the cat and he missed Jiji

14:25 KST
@1215thexiathtic 4月28日国立競技場でFCMEN サッカーをやります。 公式ホームページを見てください!
[Trans] FCMEN football competition 04/28 at the National Stadium. Please visit the official site!

14:30 KST@1215thexiathtic@helloimys 요섭아~어제 엄마 부르는 노래 너무 좋았어!!!^^
[Trans] Yoseop-ah~ Yesterday's "Song for Mama" was really good!!!^^

Source: Jaejoong, Yoo Chun, Junsu's Twitter 
Translated by iivyhe, allrisexiahtic, joejjang, 0101jyunshyu @ twitter & Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

1 comment:

  1. oooh thanks for your faaaaaast update !
