Monday, February 13, 2012

[TWITTER] 120212 Manager Kevin's Twitter Updates

13:34 KST
BMW 탔당=_= 
[Trans] Took (rode) a BMW =_= 

14:36 KST
[Trans] Let's go out to play!! ke 

16:30 KST
기름 넣로가야징 ^_^ -이준- 

[Trans] It needs some gas of course ^_^ - Lee Joon-

18:37 KST
[Trans] Person who called for delivery??

12:01 KST
이준네카 880207
[Trans] Lee Joon, your car 880207

Translated by adorkableMBLAQ & Holly @ AbsoluteMBLAQ
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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