Friday, February 17, 2012

[TWITTER] 120216 Jaejoong's Twitter Updates

22:58 KST
That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future.

22:59 KST
“That they live as if they will never die, and die as though they had never lived.

23:00 KST
To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love. and it can take many years to heal them. 

Note: “Jaejoong quoted from the story “An Interview With God” “- Got this off twitter

23:32 KST
우리의 흔한대화
[Trans] Our common conversation 

Message from Yookcheoni<3
Yoochun: Really, congratulations^^ You're the best, you're really the kewlest~ (T/N: Yoochun was really talking cutely~^^)
Yoochun: Program bass^^ gives me goosebumps~!! 
2011.12.31 10:25pm
Jaejoong: Thanks/hate you haha (T/N: He was about to say "gomawo"=thank you but he said "gomiwo"go+hate you so it could be a play on words~)
Yoochun: hahahaha^^ It was giving me goosebumps~
2011.12.31. 10:53pm
Jaejoong: ㅋㅋI heard you were so nervous~
Yoochun: hahaha^^ but I didn't really look like it~
2012.1.1. 12:11am
Yoochun: Hyung, receive a lot of money
(T/N: He didn't actually say 'money' but I'm leaning towards it being a typo rather than meaning something else)~ You did a lot of hard work~^^ Let's try to do well this year too~ ---------^^

22:33 KST
우리의 심심한 대화 
[Trans] Our boring conversation 

Jaejoong: Hyung likes the red one too
Yoochun: hahahahayeah~ The chorus is really nice~ 
Jaejoong: But isn't it a bit too loud?
Jaejoong: The balance is a killer, I'll need it for the [song] i'm working on~
Yoochun: Yeah~the balance is really a problem~I'm trying out this and that to see if it's really loud
Jaejoong: The sound is all big and goes boom boom, right?haha
Yoochun: O K O K The sound is a killer~
Jaejoong: Feel it well~~ 
Yoochun: O K O K

Translated by joejjang @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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