Monday, February 20, 2012

[TWITTER] 120220 G.O's Twitter Updates

20:07 KST
어제 팬미팅이 끝나고 가족들과 시간 보내느라 이제서야 후기를 남겨요^^ 언제나 처럼 에이플러스 여신님들은 최고였습니다~! 오랜만에 지방에 계신 에이플러스 여신님들 까지 봬서 정말 기뻤구요^^
[Trans] I was spending time with my family so I am writing about the fan meeting now^^ A+s were the greatest as always~! I was really to happy to see even the A+s who aren't living close to Seoul^^

20:07 KST
그 뿐 아니죠~~!!! 팬분들의 안전과 원활한 공연을 위해 힘써주신 자원봉사 여신님들, 쌀과 연탄을 기부 해 주신 여신님들, 케이터링 서폿 해 주신 여신님들 까지!! 정말 대단하고 사랑스러워 죽겠습니다❤ 영원히 함께해요 내사랑들^^
[Trans] That's not all~!!! The supporter goddess who have been working hard to aid us for the safe and good stages, godesses who donated rice and coal briquette to charity on our behalf and goddesses who were prepared catering for us!! You guys are great and I just adore you so much❤ Let's be together forever my loves^^ 

Source: G.O's twitter

Translated by bcrystal89 @ twitter 

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