Sunday, February 5, 2012

[TWITTER] Jaejoong's Twitter Updates (05th Feb 2012)

05:51 KST
확실히 터키 사람은 한국 사람과 흡사한면이 많구나.. 확실히 좋은곳입니다~앞으로 몇일 기대가 되는 나라~
[Trans] The Turkish people certainly have a lot of similar features with the Koreans.. it's certainly a nice place~ a country that I'm looking forward to days ahead~

20:55 KST
I love TURKEY! TURKEY fan's is so active n cut^^

20:59 KST
e~ haha

Translated by joejjang @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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