Thursday, February 16, 2012

[TWITTER] Junsu's Twitter Updates (16th Feb 2012)

02:43 KST 
[Trans] Good night..~

02:58 KST

03:41 KST
엘리자벳은 죽음이...왜 그리웠을까..?죽음으로서 모든게 치유될거라고 생각했을까..?
[Trans] I wonder why... Elizabeth longed for Death..?? Did she think Death is the cure for everything...?

아님...죽음으로서 평온과 안식을 가져다 줄거라고....?
[Trans] Or... did she think Death will bring her tranquility and rest..?

03:44 KST
그때 그시절엔...자기목숨을 자기가 끊는게.. 뭔가 성스럽고 멋지게 죽는 의식 같이 여겨졌었다네...엘리자벳은 물론..루돌프도 그랬고...
[Trans] At that time, during those days...ㅅhe act of ending one's own life...was considered as something sacred..of course Elizabeth and.. Rudolph, as well, thought like that... 

03:45 KST
아무리 그래도 자살은 씻을수없는 죄악이야...!
[Trans] Even so, taking one's own life is a sin that couldn't be washed away...!

03:48 KST
모두 어떤일이있어도 포기하지말고..힘내!그 누구에게도 견디지못할 만큼의 시련은 주지않는데....^^
[Trans] Everyone, no matter that problem arise, don't give up and.. be strong! One isn't given trials that cannot be endured....^^

03:53 KST
엘리자벳도 너무 불쌍하지만....난 루돌프가..더 안타까워...루돌프가 엄마한테 도와달라며 애원하는씬....엄마 들려요....이 대사...날언제나 울려..
[Trans] Though Elizabeth is really pitiful... I feel Rudolph is even more pitiful... In the scene where Rudolph asks help from his mother... "Mom, do you hear me"... this line... always make me cry...

03:58 KST
내가 어머니의 거울이면 좋겠어요..날바라볼테니 말을 걸어줄테니까......
[Trans] I wish I was mother's mirror.. because she would look at me and talk to me....

04:00 KST
이 노랫말...옆에서 마이얼링전에 보고있다가 언제나 눈물이 한방울 뚝 떨어져...눈물닦고 나가느라고 매번 혼나...난 죽음인데.......
[Trans] These lyrics... After seeing this before [the] Mayerling [scene], my tear always fall one by one one... I always get scolded when I go out right after wiping away my tears... because I am Death.... 

04:12 KST
죽음도 자신이 혼자이기에...누군가 계속 길동무를 만들려고한건 아닐까...?전지전능한 힘은 가졌지만..그래서 혼자이기에.....외로움...을 극복하지못했기에...
[Trans] As Death is alone by himself... isn't he somebody who continuously tries to make travel companions...? Though he has the power to be omniscient and omnipotent...being alone by himself... doesn't allow him to overcome... loneliness... 

04:22 KST
이제 내게와 오랫동안 기다려온 나만의 여인..오랜시간 갈구한 끝에.엘리자벳을 죽음으로서 가졌지만...그 죽음으로서 결국엔 또잃게되는...하나가되면서도 또 결국엔 닿을수없는 사랑...고독한 죽음
[Trans] Now, come to me, my lady that I have waited for so long... at the ending that I have longed for a very long time... though I was able to take Elizabeth through death... in the end I lost again because of death... even when we became one, in the end it is still an unreachable love.. a solitary death

04:29 KST
엘리자벳에 나오는 모든 인물은...다 안타까워
[Trans] All of the characters that are in Elizabeth... are all pitiful

Translated by 0101jyunshyu @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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