Friday, March 23, 2012

[CLIP] 120321 ENEWS24 Fans Close Coverage (Lee Joon)

Translation of what the video is talking about (by MsHyunie @ YT):

In the beginning, a the girls arm-locking are saying that fans lash out on other group's fan members for their money, or even physically assault them.

The other group of girls say that those type of fan girls are "사생녀", which means they're like stalker- following everywhere they go and always keeping a watch on them. Then, there are those who wait in front of the idols' homes/dorms to see them.

There's been a case where JYJ YuCheon was hit in the face from a fan, and he said that it's scary how the fans say they love EVERYTHING about him.

Next, there are also cases where the those stalker-ish fan girls wait in front of the idols' dorms/company/etc. just to see them.

Joon basically says that the restrooms at their practice room is near the entrance of the building, and the fans wait for him at the front of the restroom door. Also, some fans hand on the metal bars covering the windows to look and peek at him.

The idols tried to calm down those situations but the stalking hasn't stopped.
Those girls also do unspeakable things like putting period pad/tampons in front of their doors, barge into the idols' dorms when they're sleeping since most don't lock the door- they forget to lock it when leaving/entering their homes. They even steal their underwear or shove their underwear into the celebrities' luggage.

Ways in which these fangirls get all the info and location on these idols are... The younger aged girls send SNS(texts) to someone they know in the entertainment industry who are close to the idol they follow. The 20s fans get a job in the internet, banking/ credit card company to get all their personal info.

But the interviewee says that it's the easiest to sit duck in front of their homes.
The fan girls usually are young so they don't have much money to spend, but where do they get the money? ANY Way to get the money.

Via enews24 @ YT
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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