Thursday, March 1, 2012

[TRANS] 120301 Junsu’s and Elisabeth Actors’ Twitter Update‏

[dancerMooN79] (Elisabeth Actor Moon Seung Woo) Whenever there’s Junsu in the cast line-up for that day of Elisabeth… all the wifi and 3G can’t be used before the performance, during the break and after the performance is over. ㅡㅡ; What is the reason? It’s such a phenomenon…

[Junsu] This lazy afternoon… it must be the aftermath of yesterday’s performance… lying on the bed with my eyes opened… 2 hours and 12 minutes…

[Junsu] I don’t really like lying on the bed in broad daylight… but today I feel like doing this… hearing the car chimes outside in the midst of darkness from the fully closed curtains … the humidifier looked at me while releasing steam… with my legs propping on the cooling covers…. on a busy day… the laziness of mine.

[AmadeRudolph] (Elisabeth Young Actor as Rudolph – Kim Hyo Jun) @JUNO_Japan Hyung! You didn’t know about this right… ke ke ke. I called it as the three brothers… ke ke ke

[Junsu] @AmandeRudolph Haaa~!

[yoonphantom] (Yoon Young Suk) @1215thexiahtic You have worked hard yesterday~ ^^ Do rest well~ ^^ Gonna see you after a while~

[Junsu] Right TT In this period of time, please show a charismatic performance too~ ^^

[Junsu] Today is finally the premiere of Seung Hyun’s Rudolph and also his first step in musical field. When I saw your looks yesterday, the blushing and very nervous looks reminded me of the trembling me during my premiere stage of Mozart…

[Junsu] Of course, hyung is new as a musical actor as well but I’ll support you as a senior for taking your first step… The Rudolph that you interpreted to be… Don’t be afraid of the Rudolph you drew out, show it the way as you want it to be~ Afterall you are the “owner” of Rudolph of the stage today. Fighting all the way!!!

[Junsu] Hyung has something on, thud could not make it to today’s show, very sorry~~ though you will be nervous but all the anxiety will all be forgotten once on stage. Pray that what was left is simply the Rudolph that you had drawn~ ^^

[Junsu] And most importantly, a musical genre cannot done by a single person…? To complete a work with the best actors, just this point will become the energy, giving you the courage~ Believe in the hyungs and noonas actors ^^ They would help you along no matter what~ Wish you success in performing!

Credit: joseimiao
Trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun
Shared by: Jasmi @ DongBang-Blaq

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