Thursday, March 1, 2012

[TRANS] 120301 Kim Jaejoong, The Devilish Guy Who Attracted Male Fans

Recently there have been topics of male fans’ love for Kim Jaejoong with the appearance of acknowledgement photos of male fans from all over the world in discussion forums.

As the ratio of male fans for a male group has always been low as compared to female fans, Jaejoong would usually in particular show his concern towards male fans. At the special stage appearance on the 23rd for The Day showing, Jaejoong even asked a male fan where did he come from.

Netizens expressed, “Kim Jaejoong indeed is the one who can even capture male fans”, “Indeed Kim Jaejoong, everyone ranging from different gender and ages likes him too.”

Source: tvreport
Credit: chuanghuoji + loveissammi
Trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun

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