Thursday, March 1, 2012

[TRANS] 120301JYJ’s Kim Junsu Reveals Family Photo, Simply Heartwarming Itself‏

Group JYJ’s Kim Junsu has attracted attention after having a family photo of himself revealed. Junsu’s twin brother Junho, tweeted ‘I watched ‘Elisabeth! Junsu was indeed amazing!’ and along with this comment uploaded a family photo. Junsu is currently enthusiastically performing as ‘Death’ in the musical ‘Elisabeth’, and as it can be seen by this photo, it seems that Junho has attended this musical along with the rest of the family.

In this photo, Junsu was seen with yellow hair (T/N:not actually yellow, they mean the blondness of it), wearing a black jacket and with rich smoky eyes make up, he has received a lot of attention. What was particularly eye catching was Kim Junsu’s twin that looked identical to him and the great appearance of his parents, these four people courted such a heartwarming appearance that is envied by people all around.

Internet users commented, ‘I envy Junsu’s mother for having two good looking sons like them.’ ‘Kim Junsu’s family photo is really great.’ ‘Elisabeth fighting!’, amongst others.
Credits: Innolife
Trans by: sharing yoochun
Shared by: DBSKnights

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