Sunday, March 4, 2012

[TRANS] 120302 Hearing Of Jeon Ji Hyun’s Upcoming Marriage, Netizens Say “Poor Yunho”

Netizens have been expressing a variety of opinions about top star Jeon Ji Hyun’s upcoming marriage.

Jeon Ji Hyun’s entertainment agency J&Co released an official statement on the 1st that said, “She will get married to Choi Joon Hyuk at the Shilla Hotel in Jangchoong-dong on the 2nd of June.” Netizens who heard this news couldn’t hold their surprise at the news.

They did not forget to say their congratulations as they left comments such as, “I’m so envious of the man who will marry her. She has indeed reached the age to get married and settle down”, “It makes me a little sad”, “I can’t believe Jeon Ji Hyun’s getting married. I’m amazed”, and “She’s getting married quite fast for an actress, but congratulations.”

Fans of TVXQ’s U-Know Yunho became a hot topic for leaving words of concern for the singer through Social Network Services(SNS). This is because U-Know Yunho has always stated that Jeon Ji Hyun was his ideal woman since his debut. Netizens were seen saying, “Jung Yunho needs to change his ideal woman now”, “Yunho’s ideal woman Jeon Ji Hyun gets married, I think Jung Yunho will be in a state of shock when he hears the news”, and “Jung Yunho’s probably sobbing right now.”

Source: [asiatoday]
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