Friday, March 2, 2012

[TRANS] 120302 Music Station (Fans' Tweets)

1. From kimamanikiko@twitter

Finished now \(^o^)/ OMG, they were so nearㅠㅠ During Mayuyu's song, the two were whispering to each other! After they sung, they were drinking water from the same bottle.. When I shouted "Yunho" at the very last, he turned back.. will report later!

Report 1. There were 9 Bigeasts! When they came into the studio, they sat together side by side casually. During the birthday year corner, when TRF's (SAM-san's group) video was on screen, Yunho and Changmin were both smiling♡ They were so cute xDDD

Report 2. Maybe I'm just daydreaming, but during the birthday year corner, Yunho looked at us for a moment! YES xDD I think our eyes met \(^o^)/←Please let me believe so.

Report 3. Before Mayuyu(?)'s CM, we screamed a bit! But they just glanced at us for a second ㅠㅠ But we were satisfied~♡ The 2 members moved next to Tamori-san. And during the time Mayuyu was singing, Yunho whispered something to Changmin xDD It seemed as though they were discussing something! Changmin was nodding YES! YES! sort of thing, so lovable!

Report 4. During Mayuyu, Changmin was taking the rhythm together xD So impressing \(^o^)/ I was doing the same, too xDD Mayuyu's back was so beautiful! Her arms were so slim! She was very cuteㅠㅠ And, as all of you know, again, the talk about spicy food xDD They were talking a little bit in Korean. During this time, the stage set appeared.

Report 6? And again, the CM. The 2 were on standby! Everyone was screaming "Yunho!", and there was no call of "Changmin!". and.he had a little sullen look, so we screamed "Changmin!!" xDD Of course, again "Yunho" \(^o^)/ And, looking at the make-up stylist and hair stylist doing the last minute arrangements, we were all out of breath♡

Report 7. About 30 seconds before the CM finished, during all the stylists' arrangements, Yunho turned his face toward us ㅠㅠ All the Bigeasts were MAX excited! And the new song STILL. They were wonderful. We were watching them from the back, but...we were touched so much, it was beyond words. The 2 vocals really touched our hearts.

Report 8. After they sung, again, the CM. They were about 2.5m from my seat, in the left direction! And Yunho was the first to drink! Changmin followed! They were drinking from the same bottle! xDD They were so near us, we couldn't scream \(^o^)/

Report 9. During Fukuyama-san's song, they were taking the rhythm together again! Especially Yunho! He was really hyper! Super cute~~since I am a Yunho fan, I faced the danger of my life\(^o^)/ And I am barely breathing, and writing this report\(^o^)/

Report 10. The program finished while I was falling in love with Yunho clapping his hands ㅠㅠ I screamed "YUNHO!" at the very last! But he did not look at me when I screamed (>_<) At the very last moment when they walked backstage, Yunho turned back to us with a smile! Changmin did not look at us so much. He is the Master MAX!

Last report. Changmin really got slim! His legs were so thin, I was really surprised ㅠㅠ Yunho's face was really small! It was a dream, they were so nearby. Well...I wrote down all I remembered! But, I am still in my dreams, maybe not so clear. I will write again, when I remember something.

(edit, adding a tweet)

The two were really polite...I understand the reason why they are loved by so many (>_<) All of the performers today were great! There were many staffs, too. So many staffs are united to make one program. Thank you, staffs! I really enjoyed my time. 

2. From tomomama2@twitter (HQ pictures)

Tohoshinki from Music Station Talk part No. 1 

Tohoshinki Music Station Talk part No. 2

Tohoshinki Music Station Talk part No. 3

Caps of Tohoshinki "STILL" No. 1

Caps of Tohoshinki "STILL" No. 2

Source: kimamanikiko & tomomama2 @twitter

Trans: smiley @

Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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