Sunday, March 11, 2012

[TRANS] 120310 K-Pop in Lima: JYJ stopped traffic and unleashed hysteria in fans

The Korean group arrived at the capital and was received by thousands of girls outside the Marriot Hotel. Junsu, Jaejoong, and Yoochun said they were surprised and grateful.

Junsu, Jaejoong, and Yoochun, the members of the Korean group JYJ, talked with the Peruvian press a few hours after arriving in Lima.  In the conference, held at the Marriot hotel, the Korean musicians, were surprised with the reception they received for their first time in South America.

“We didn’t know we had so many fans here. We are surprised. We thank the Peruvian fans that greeted us at the airport and came to the hotel. Tomorrow we will do our best for them to enjoy the concert,” said Jaejoong.

The singers, representatives of the K-pop genre, said they knew little of our culture and were eager to try our food and explore our country. Junsu, for example, said he dreamed about Lake Titicaca.

“When I was a boy I knew of that like by reading geography books and I always wanted to visit,” said the singer, who was sporting a new look as part of the characterization for portraying death in the play “Elizabeth”, that is performed in Korea.

The conference, which began minutes after 4:30 p.m., ended after a round of questions in 20 minutes. After that, the three members of JYJ went to the balcony of Marriot hotel.

Seeing the musicians, close to 2000 fans who were waiting down at the security fences, crossed road that separated the park from the hotel in a risky manner. In this way, traffic was stopped for a few minutes, while security officers tried to control those that were present, a majority of them were teenagers.
JYJ will be performing tomorrow in explanda del Estadio Monumental and the tickets are already sold out.

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