Friday, March 16, 2012

[TRANS] 120314 JYJ, “6000 Fans Thrilled”, Peru Concert A Great Success

JYJ has successfully completed their first South American tour. JYJ held their 2nd concert in South America in Peru on 11 March (local time).

The concert featured songs such as “Empty” and “Get Out” by JYJ, driving 6000 fans wild. Some 3000 people were also attracted to JYJ’s concert in Chile on 9 March prior to this, proving their popularity.

Notably, upon JYJ’s arrival in Peru, they caused traffic in the surrounding areas to come to a standstill. The 3000 fans which surrounded the airport showed their excitement for the South American tour, when they did things such as shouting “JYJ”. Related personnel from (JYJ’s) management agency stated, “The local fans could be seen chasing after the vehicle that JYJ was in, in cars, on motorcycles and in mini buses.” The fans also had a coach specially designed to have (JYJ’s) concert photo printed on it, and began camping in tents around the concert venue a week before the concert. One of JYJ’s fans, Miss Gonzales (23), said, “I made an effort to come here and join the queue from Saturday. I cannot believe that I will be able to see JYJ.”

In addition, the media also showed much interest in JYJ’s concert. An influential Peruvian paper reported, “(JYJ) received a warmer welcome than when American pop stars came. In Peru, JYJ’s music is part of the mainstream pop music, and is not only appreciated by a handful of people.” Also, during the press conference on 10 March, over 30 influencial media corporations, including the state-owned TV Peru, were present to cover the event.

JYJ said during an interview with local reporters, “We are surprised. We were also surprised in Chile, but we really did not expect (such a warm response) in Peru. We were surprised because such scenes, that can usually be seen in Asia, were also seen here in South America.”

Source: [K Star News]
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