Saturday, March 3, 2012

[TWITTER] 120303 Mir's Twitter Updates

10:50 KST
[Trans] I'm so tired, my head hurts..sigh..

14:13 KST
[Trans] I love you, my people♥

16:07 KST
도망가 무섭니 엠블랙 이거한번안하고한번했는데안한게나간거예요..ㅋㅋㅋ 뭐가더괜찮나해본건데..꿍..
[Trans] I've said 'Run away,are you scared? MBLAQ(Mir's part in Run)' in one and didn't in another lol to see which one was better..hmm.. 

21:05 KST
[Trans] A selca after a long time~~!!

21:32 KST
[Trans] I'll put up one more because there was a good response...kkeung..

22:22 KST
[Trans] Since I'm getting better responses I'm doing 1+1 this time

[Trans] Our stylist Guseul is even featuring in our song now...I doubt this was in her original job description.. 

T/N: This was deleted since I can't find it in his profile.

Source: Mir's twitter
Translated by bcrystal89 @ twitter & Holly @
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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