Wednesday, March 7, 2012

[TWITTER] 120307 Junsu's Twitter Update

04:14 KST
LA도착......또다시...11시간의 비행이 날 기다리네.......헐........거짓말이지....?
[Trans] Arrived in LA.... once again.. the 11-hour flight waited for me.... sigh.... it's a lie, isn't it...?

14:30 KST
이게 과연 무슨 액땜을 하려고 하는건지....
[Trans] Will this be a trick or treat.... 

17:32 KST
지금 칠레에 도착해야할 시간인데...난아직 LA.....아 이 무슨 운명의 장난이란 말이더냐....ㅜ
[Trans] Now is the time to arrive at Chile but... I'm still at LA..... Ah what twist of fate is this....ㅜ

17:41 KST
LA시간으로 아침10시에도착..오후2시에 칠레행 비행기였는데..4시로 미뤄지고..또다시 7시로 미뤄지고..이유는 기계결함이라나.10시에기어코 탑승시작...거대한 엔진소리를 내며 드디어출발....하나했는데..갑자기 딱 뜨기직전에 급 브레이크....
[Trans] I arrived at 10AM LA time..The flight to Chile was supposed to be at 2PM..But it was delayed till 4PM..And yet again delayed till 7PM..The reason is because (the plane) had a mechanical defect.Boarding time starts at 10...The huge sound of the engine (was heard) as it revved up and we were finally setting off....But..Suddenly just before (the plane) took off there was an emergency brake.... 

17:53 KST
순간..기내를 뒤덮는 타는 냄새..프로펠러 이상이라네........내경험중...이런경우는 또 뭘까.
[Trans] In a moment's time.. (There was) a burning smell in the cabin.. Something's unusual about the propellers........ In my experience... What else (like this case) will happen...

17:59 KST
장장..공항에서만 딱12시간 기다리고...세끼를 공항에서만 다 때우고..드디어 가나 했더니만...결국엔 오늘 결항...나 어디로가야하나....
[Trans] Jangjang.. I've waited for 12hours at the airport... And eaten all three meals at the airport.. Finally I thought I could leave... But eventually it was cancelled today... Where should I go....  

18:05 KST
안그래도 원래 프로펠러쪽의 결함이 있었다나봐...그래서 오늘 그렇게 8시간이 미뤄졌던건데..그런데 더더욱 중요한건..우리가 딱 출발해서...엄청난속도로달리다가 딱뜨나했는데...그순간 프로펠러안으로 새한마리가 빨려들어갔다네...
[Trans] Even if it's not so at first the propeller's side might've already had a defect...That's why today (the flight) was delayed for 8 hours like that..But the much more important thing is that..When we just set off...the plane was running at breakneck speed and when it just lifted that moment something new got sucked into and went inside the propeller...

17:35 KST
Juno: 아직도 도착못한거야????!!!!! 진짜 지겹겠다.....( T_T)\(^-^ )“
[Trans] You've yet to arrive (at Chile)????!!!!! It must be really tiring.....( T_T)\(^-^ ) 

Source: Junsu's twitter
Translated by 0101jyunshyu & dongbangheaven @ twitter 
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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