Wednesday, March 21, 2012

[TWITTER] 120320 Junsu's Twitter Update

09:37 KST
또 7시쯤에 잠이 깨버렸어..어제 일찍잔것도 아닌데...고요한 아침이다..음..하루하루..그안에서 참 많은 경험을 한다..오늘은 또 어떤 시련으로..아님 어떤 기쁨으로 날 채우려나..그게 행복이면 좋겠다..모두 다 같이 나눌수 있는 그런 행복.
[Trans] Once again I woke up from sleep at around 7am... I didn't even sleep early's a quiet morning.. Uhmm.. Day by day..i get to experience a lot in those days.. I wonder what type of test... or what kind of happiness will I be in again today.. I hope it will be happiness... A happiness that we can all share together.

Source: Junsu's twitter
Translated by 0101jyunshyu @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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