Thursday, March 22, 2012

[TWITTER] 120322 Junsu's Twitter Updates

02:05 KST
집에돌아와서 씻기전에 침대에 기대어 찰칵~무섭지.....ㅎ 잘자모두
[Trans] I came home and before I washed up, I laid on my bed and in a snap~ got scared...... Haha everyone good night

04:09 KST
오늘 첼시 이겨라!!!!!ㅎㅎ
[Trans] Chelsea, win today!!!! Haha

16:58 KST
어제부터 생전없던 가래에..재채기 코에ㅜ 감기인줄알았는데..환절기성 알레르기라네..나예전엔 알레르기는 아무것도 해당되는게 없었는데..나이먹으니 하나둘 다생기네...악ㅠ 일본에 있을때 카훈쇼라는 알레르기때부터 시작이었었던것같아ㅠ
[Trans] Since yesterday I have had the worst phlegm in my life... In my sneezing noseㅜ I knew it was a cold.. They say it's an allergy caused by pre-existing seasonal changes.. I didn't really get any allergies before...since I grew older, I started having one or two... Ack ㅠi think it started when I got an allergy called pollinosis (hay fever) when I was in Japanㅠ

18:43 KST
[Trans] I'm..feeling unwell

Source: Junsu's twitter
Translated by 0101jyunshyu @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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