Friday, March 23, 2012

[TWITTER] 120323 Jaejoong's Twitter Updates

15:33 KST
[Trans] I'm in the midst of preparation to go back..

15:41 KST
내가 제일 강한줄알았는데 이렇게 한없이 무너지는 내모습에 너무 초라해진 나 자신이 부끄럽고 응원해주시는 많은 분들에게 미안합니다.. 자신을 되돌아보는 시간동안 수만가지 생각을했습니다. 아프니까청춘이라지만..좀더 아파야할 시간을 갖는것도 좋을듯합니다..
[Trans] I thought I was the strongest but like this, my humbled self is embarrassed for my appearance that has been endlessly caving in and is sorry to the many people who have been cheering me on..I had a lot of thoughts during that time I was reflecting on myself. Though they say I'm hurting because I'm still in my seems like it's good if I hurt a little more..

Source: Jaejoong's twitter
Translated by joejjang @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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