Sunday, March 25, 2012

[TWITTER] 120325 G.O's Twitter Update

17:46 KST
사랑하는 에이플러스 귀염둥이님들아! 여러분들의 큰 사랑 덕분에 막방까지 무사히 마칠 수 있었어요^^ 곧 돌아올테니까 기다려요~~! 사랑해요❤
[Trans] My love, cutie A+s! With your big support and love we were able to finish our last stage well^^ We'll come soon so just wait~~! I love you ❤

Source: G.O's twitter
Translated by bcrystal89 @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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