Tuesday, April 17, 2012

[TWITTER] 120417 Junsu's Twitter Updates

00:49 KST
[Trans] Noryangjin..Area around Sashimi restaurant..Xiah group(gang)........a gang

00:50 KST
Jung JiMan: @1215thexiahtic 두목님....
[Trans] Boss....
00:53 KST
Junsu: @jiman86 그래..아그야 가자!!고고씽
[Trans] Yes.. Babe let's go!! Go-go-ssing 

00:57 KST
Sim JiHwan: @1215thexiahtic 두목님..저의직책은 뭡니까??ㅎㅎ
[Trans]  Boss..What's my position??ㅎㅎ
00:57 KST
Junsu: @JiHwan_Sim 음...넌 행동대장ㅋ
[Trans] Hmm..You're the commander of the action groupㅋ

00:59 KST
Lim Byung Han: @1215thexiahtic @jihwan_sim 모야 나 행대 뺏긴고야?
[Trans] Hold on, did I just lost my position?
01:00 KST
Junsu: @code07lim 형은..브레인!
[Trans] Hyung you're...the Brain! 

00:58 KST
Jung JiMan: @1215thexiahtic 나는???
[Trans] What about me???
01:00 KST
Junsu: @jiman86 총무
[Trans] Manager

01:05 KST
Jung JiMan: @1215thexiahtic 영필이형은???
[Trans] What about Yongpil hyung???
01:07 KST
Junsu: @jiman86 부두목..ㅋ
[Trans] Underboss..ㅋ 

Translated and Shared by XIAH Press

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