Wednesday, April 11, 2012

[NEWS] 120410 MBLAQ's Lee Joon talks about his monthly expenditure

On the April 10th episode of KBS 2TV's "1:100", MBLAQ's Lee Joon revealed just how frugal he is.

He said, "I've been frugal since young. It was drummed into me to be thrifty, so I've never really liked spending money. That's why I saved hard and bought a house."

He added, "My agency pays for my meals, and the clothes I wear aren't actually mine. When I have schedules I'm driven there, and when I want to drink water I get it from the water purifiers at the broadcasting stations. There really isn't anything I have to spend on. I even don't need a monthly allowance. Other than paying transportation fees like the subway and taxis, I don't spend any money."

Meanwhile, the episode featured a quiz between Lee Joon and Shinsadong Tiger.

Source: Newsen
Translated: dingdongbelle @ 
Reuploaded: ☆sunshine @
Shared by Tasha @DongBang-BLAQ

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