Friday, April 13, 2012

[TRANS] 120411 JYJ Fans “Over 250 Proof Shots” Truly Passionate Fans!

While celebrities are simultaneously uploading proof shots (of themselves voting) during the 4.11 General Elections, “JYJ Fans Proof Shots” have become a topic of discussion instead.
JYJ’s fans are responding to member Jaejoong’s tweet on 9 April, “Everyone please do take part in the general elections votings. Please upload proof shots~^^” JYJ fans each took proof shots in front of voting posts, while holding JYJ related items such as CDs, pictures and messgaes, and uploaded them.
Aside from the individual proof shots, the large “Proof Shot Mosaics” which were made have also become topic of discussions. As of 10.32am on 11 April, there were 153 proof shots, and this increased to 248 photos by 12.03pm. This number has continued to increase.
(irrelevant portions omitted)
Source : [BaiduTVXQ + MT via Nate]
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