Sunday, April 1, 2012

[TWITTER] 120401 Mir's Twitter Updates

19:08 KST
내방을빛내줄우리갈색이와분홍이..직접보면굉장히작아요 ㅋㅋㅋ 제손바닥에다들어옴 ㅋㅋㅋ 
[Trans] Our browny and pinky which will shine my room... If you see them in person, they are so tiny kekeke All of them can come in my palm kekeke

21:43 KST
Eunah: @BangMir 미쳤어..? 미쳤구나아들..;;;;;
[Trans] Are you crazy? You're crazy, son..;;;;;

21:44 KST
Mir: @koeuna88 악어도있길래악어살라다말았다잉..-_-...악어는밥주다가물리면손이없어진대..-_-..;;
[Trans] Even though there was a crocodile, I stopped buying it.. -_-... I heard if one gets bitten by a crocodile while feeding it, the hand will be missing.. -_-..;;

21:54 KST
Eunah: @BangMir 악어는막장이네?..;;;; 어쩌려고뱀들을...; 미쳐써 난펭귄사줘 그거키우고싶어-_-
[Trans] A crocodile is ungrateful, isn't it?..;;;; What are you going to do with snakes...; You're crazy. Please buy me a penguin. I want to raise it-_-

Shared by Jasmi @ DongBang-BLAQ

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