Wednesday, April 4, 2012

[TWITTER] 120404 Mir's Twitter Update + Go Eunah's Reply

13:01 KST
고동이..이아이는좀크다 ㅋㅋㅋ 4m까지큰다는..+_+!! 
[Trans] Fish.. this kid is a little big ke ke ke its going to grow as big as 4m..!!

13:04 KST
Eunah: @BangMir 헉..징그러워!!!얘네..쥐..먹는거야..?-_-;대박
[Trans] Ew..Nasty!!!; Wow

13:09 KST
Mir: @koeuna88 사람도먹는다잉..-_-..ㅋㅋ
[Trans] They even eat people..-_-..keke

13:14 KST
Eunah: @BangMir 이제너네숙소안갈꺼야..-_-; 악어도있고뱀도있고..무서워서가것니..;;
[Trans] Now I don't want to go to your dorm anymore ..-_-; there's a crocodile and snakes too.. too scary, how can I still go..;;

Source: Mir and Go Eunah's Twitters
Translated by crispee @ & lilylovesjoon @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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