Wednesday, April 25, 2012

[TWITTER] 120425 Jaejoong's Twitter Updates

22:06 KST
Yonghwan: @mjjeje 재중이형아다ㅋ 형 저얌전히잘기다리구있어요^^ 까먹으신거아니죠? ㅋ
[Trans] Oh,it's Jaejoong-i hyung ㅋ hyung, I'm patiently waiting ^^ You haven't forgotten,have you?

16:38 KST
Jaejoong: @plmok30 그걸 어떻게 잊겠니^^기다려
[Trans] How could I forget that ^^ Wait

15:54 KST
Yonghwan: @mjjeje 형 진짜맛있게잘먹었어요^^
[Trans] Hyung, I really ate deliciously and well ^^

16:38 KST
Jaejoong: @plmok30 형도 맛있었어 ^^ 좋다 ^^
[Trans] It was delicious for me too ^^ Good ^^

Note: Kwak Yong Hwan is from the group KINO that is known as the 'TVXQ of Shinjuku' in Japan. He is now an artist under C-JeS

Source: Jaejoong + Other's Twitter
Translation by: joejjang
Via: DBSKnights
Shared by: Jasmi @ DongBang-BLAQ

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