Saturday, April 28, 2012

[TWITTER] 120428 Yoo Chun's Twitter Updates

00:59 KST
도하고 외롭기도해 그래서 행복해..뜨겁게 살아가는거 같아서 몇시간을 달려야하는 차속에서 마치 도착하면 만날수도 있지안을까라는 기대감만으로도 힘이나..
[Trans] These are my feelings now...^^ I feel uncertain, afraid, and even lonely that's why I'm happy.. Because it feels like I'm living my life passionately, even in the car right now with hours more of the road left to go, the anticipation of what possibly awaits me at the end of the journey gives me strength..

저 사는얘기 많이들려드리러 자주 갈께요... 책임감 삶의 무게 남자가 받은선물중에가장 행복한 선물 이란거 이제 더많이 알아버렸으니까...^^ 따뜻하구나 1분1초가^^
[Trans] I'll try to share more thoughts on life with all of you more often in future... On responsibility, on the weight of life, on the most amazing present a man could ever receive etc., because I've come to learn more about these things...^^ I realized how warm it is, every minute and second^^

15:43 KST
[Trans] In North Jeolla-do~^^ The weather is great~

16:03 KST
2012년 4월28일 봄 너를 받아드린날... 
[Trans] April 28th 2012, Spring. The day of accepting you...

16:11 KST
[Trans] ..It's this photo^^♥

20:30 KST
봄비...하늘의 이불이 나에게 다가오는 날 그렇게 천천히 시간은 많으니... 
[Trans] Spring rain.. A day when Heaven's covers comes closer to me, so slowly. Is there so much time..

Translated by Allrisexiahtic @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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