Sunday, April 29, 2012

[TWITTER] 120429 JYJ's Twitter Updates

13:03 KST
Yoo Chun: 너...그리고 나 축복받고있구나... 
[Trans] You...and I, we're blessed... 

15:31 KST
Junsu: 나 지금 비몽사몽 중에 공연중........하악!
[Trans] I'm doing the musical in a semi-conscious state right now........ ha-ack! 

17:16 KST
Jaejoong: 태국 코끼리멸종위기??안돼..........나의 코끼리
[Trans] Elephants in Thailand are endangered??No elephants

18:51 KST
Junsu: I love peru~~~~^^

19:08 KST
Yoo Chun: 세상에서 가장 비싸고 .. 싼 그림... 
[Trans] The most expensive.. and cheap painting in the world...

19:28 KST
Junsu: @6002theMicky 힘내!유천아~낼보자
[Trans] Be strong!Yoo Chun-ah~ See you tomorrow

Junsu: @mjjeje 형~낼봐^^
[Trans] Hyung~See you tomorrow^^

19:48 KST
Jaejoong: @1215thexiahtic @6002themicky 내일 보자~^^
[Trans] See you tomorrow~^^

22:21 KST
Junsu: @mjjeje 이거 증명사진이야??
[Trans] Is this your identification picture??

Jaejoong's New DP:

Source: JYJ's Twitter
Translated by AllRiseXiahtic & Evy901 @ twitter & Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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