Thursday, May 10, 2012

[TRANS] 120507 JYJ’s Park Yoochun, All He’s Doing Is Staring At His Script But We Marvel At His Intense Gaze

Photos of JYJ’s Park Yoochun reading over his script have become a hot topic.

Photos were posted on the Photo Sketch board of SBS TV drama ‘Rooftop Prince’s’ homepage on the 7th with the title, ‘The Crown Prince looking Distinguished as he Reads his Script’.

Park Yoochun draws the viewers’ attention with his intense gaze that’s locked on his script as one of his arms is casually draped over the arm of his chair. After setting aside his script, Park Yoochun is seen to be rehearsing his part as he lifts and glass and acts out(?) his scene.

The post’s creator left a caption that read, “Your Highness, why do you look so distinguished every time you read over your script? It makes the hearts of viewers and this post’s creator flutter. It’s not nice to steal. First you take our gazes with your shining good looks and what are we to do now that you’ve stolen our hearts as well?

Netizens who saw the photos left comments such as, “Even just looking at a script looks like a page out of a photoshoot”, “How can he look so great when all he’s doing is reading over his script”, “All he’s done is lift up a glass but I can’t breathe,” and “Even just his mere presence seems to glow.”

Source: [tv report]
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