Thursday, May 3, 2012

[TWITTER] 120503 Junsu's Twitter Updates + Jaejoong's reply

00:22 KST
엘리자벳...처음 내게 죽음 역활로 제의가 왔었을때..많이 망설여졌습니다..너무나 좋은작품에 좋은 역활인건 누구보다 잘 알았었지만...과연 내게 맞는 옷 일까 하는 의문이 들었었거든요...하지만 지금이순간 막공을 끝내고 보니 잘했고 못했고를 떠나서
[Trans] Elisabeth... When the proposal first came to me that I should take on the role of Death.. I hesitated a lot.. Although I knew better than anyone else that it's such an excellent musical work and such a great role... but ultimately are these really the right fitting clothes for me? Such doubts began to surface in my mind...

00:26 KST
뮤지컬 배우로서 많은걸 배울수 있었던 시간이 아니였나 생각해봅니다..처음부터 끝까지 힘이되어주셨던 엘리자벳 배우분들...함께할수있어서 저또한 힘이 되었고 너무나 행복했습니다..너무나 감사드리고 함께 울고 웃어주신 관객 여러분들께도 진심으로 감사드립니다
[Trans] But right now at this moment, after finishing the last performance, taking a step away from whether or not I performed well or did badly, I'm trying to think to myself, "Wasn't this a period of time where I was able to learn many things as a musical actor?" To the Elisabeth cast who have been my strength from the very beginning till the very end... Being able to do this together was yet another source of strength for me, and I was really happy.. Thank you all so, so much and to the audience who cried and laughed together with me as well, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

00:28 KST
@joohyunieee 아이돌이여 영원하라~~~하하하!
[Trans] Idols forever~~~Hahaha!

00:26 KST
안울려고했는데...마지막 베일 씬에서 선영누나를 보자마자 .정말 마지막이구나 하는 만감이 교차하면서 결국 울어버렸네요..죽음은 그러면 안되는데........같이 울어줬던 두엘리 선영누나 그리고 주현누나 그동안 너무 감사했습니다.
[Trans] I tried not to cry... But at the final veil scene, as soon as I saw Sunyoung-noona, thoughts that "This really is the end huh," crossed my mind, and I ended up in tears in the end.. Though Death shouldn't do that, right........ I was really thankful to the two Elisabeths Sunyoung-noona and Joohyun-noona for crying together with me during that time. 

00:37 KST
우리는 영원속으로 안식과 자유를 향해 떠난거니까 울지마세요....^^
[Trans] We ultimately depart towards eternal rest and freedom, so don't cry....^^ 

00:45 KST
리고 정말 너무나 젊게사시는 멋진목소리 영기형 뮤지컬 스승 은태형 그리고 샤승이라는 신조어를 낳게한 승대형..멋진손짓 정화누나 우리 학교 교수님 태원누나 미친고음 수용이형 존잘미남 민철이형 프링글스 윤제프ㅠ멋진 정한이형 창의형 재판관목소리 정열이형
[Trans] Also to Min Young Ki hyung who has an amazing voice and truly lives so youthfully.. my musical teacher Eun Tae-hyung.. and Seungdae-hyung who coined the new word "Xiah-seung".. Cool hand-signals Jung Hwa-noona.. Our school teacher Tae Won-noona.. Insane falsettos Suyongie-hyung.. Seriously really good looking flower boy Min Chulie-hyung.. Pringles Yoon-sephㅠ Handsome Jung Han-hyung, Chang Ui-hyung, the voice of the judge Jung Yeolie-hyung.. 

00:47 KST
그리고 최고의 앙상블 형누나 동생들..최고의 음감 김문정누나 연출 인선이형.. 내가좋아하는 EMK 식구들..이외에 모든 스텝분들 다 감사합니다..아!그리고 우리 여섯 죽천분들...감사했습니다
[Trans] And the best ensemble hyungs, noonas dong dongsaengs.. The best at pitching Kim Moon Jung-noona.. Writer In Seon-hyung.. The EMK family members that I love.. And to all the staff members outside of these people, thank you all very much.. Ah! And our six Angels of Death... Thank you all so much. 

00:49 KST
Keon Hyung: @gunboy77 @1215thexiahtic 참!! 공연못가서미안하다.. 니공연은표를구할수가없어.. ㅠㅠ
[Trans] Oh yes!! Sorry I couldn't go for your performance.. I wasn't able to get tickets for it.. ㅠㅠ
00:52 KST
Junsu: @gunboy77 아니예요형~^^우린축구장에서 봐요ㅎ
[Trans] It's okay, hyung~^^ Let's see each other on the soccer fieldㅎ

00:52 KST
아그리고 솔직히 나보단 형같은 동석이랑..ㅎㅎ 처음 뮤지컬 입문한 승현이도 너무 고마웠어~~^^
[Trans] Ah also, Dong Suk who honestly feels more like the hyung than me, and.. ㅎㅎ Seunghyunnie who entered the world of musicals for the first time, thank you both so much~~^^

01:18 KST
@1215thexiahtic 내 멋진 형제~준수^^
[Trans] My awesome brother~ Junsu^^

01:56 KST
Junsu: @mjjeje 형도 이제 시작이구나~~화이팅!!^^
[Trans] Hyung you're just starting now too, huh~~ Fighting!!^^ 

08:00 KST
오늘도 날씨 참 좋구나..^^ 
[Trans] The weather today is great too..^^

Source: Junsu, Keon Hyung & Jaejoong's Twitter
Translated by Allrisexiahtic @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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