Sunday, May 6, 2012

[TWITTER] 120506 Yoochun's Twitter Updates

11:31 KST
[Trans] Ah~~ The weather is grea~at~~~~!!!!

T/N: It should be 좋 instead of 좋톼. He has been using 톼 alot lately.

11:43 KST
촌스러운 티 두장과 예쁜 운동화 멋진 세상 그리고 누구보다 자유롭게 세상을 여행하는 바람을 볼수있는 능력을 드리리다~ 보고잡네~난 능력자니까^^
[Trans] The country's tea, soy milk and pretty sport shoes, the great world and the wind which has the most freedom compared to anyone else by travelling around the world~ I want to catch it~ Because I have the power ^^

11:51 KST
아! 음악은 요즘 매일듣는 다른누구도 아닌 너에게ㅡ장재인♪^^좋톼~아~~
[Trans] Ah! To no one else but you, who has been listening to music everyday recentlyㅡJang Jae In♪^^ So grea~at~~

13:41 KST
[Trans] Promise!!!

14:23 KST
[Trans] ^^Happ~y~~~

14:23 KST
[Trans] It's cutie~ Seok Jun-ie~~~

Translated by allrisexiahtic @ twitter & Roxanne @ All About Cassiopeia
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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