Friday, May 11, 2012

[TWITTER] 120511 J.Tune Camp's Twitter Updates

18:42 KST
[2012 MBLAQ 아시아투어 'THE BLAQ% TOUR in SEOUL' 안내] 2012년7월21일,22일/올림픽공원 내 올림픽홀/티켓오픈:5월25일(금) PM8:00 (인터파크,예스24) 무한RT!!!
[Trans] [2012 MBLAQ Asia Tour 'THE BLAQ% TOUR in SEOUL' Information] July 21st, 2012, 22nd/ Olympic Park in Olympic Hall / Tickets Open: May 25 8:00PM (Interpark, Yes24) Infinite RT!!!

19:00 KST
[2012 Dream Concert] 현수막 설치가 완료된 MBLAQ 팬클럽석(S-E구역)의 모습입니다.!^.^ 현수막 준비&설치에 참여해주신 모든 A+여러분들께 감사드립니다.!! 내일 드림콘서트에서 만나요~^^ 
[Trans] [2012 Dream Concert] It's the appearance of MBLAQ's fanclub (S-E Area)'s complete banner installment.!^.^ Thank you to all the A+ who participated in the banner preparations&installation.!! Let's meet tomorrow at Dream Concert~^^

Source: J.Tune Camp's Twitter
Translated by Holly @
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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