Saturday, May 12, 2012

[TWITTER] 120512 Junsu's Twitter Updates

01:43 KST
하늘과 땅이 맞닿을때.. 

[Trans] When the sky touches the earth..

02:46 KST
언젠가 꼭 다시 갈꺼야..내가 사랑할 사람과 함께..언젠가...꼭 나의 오랜 꿈..보라보라~ 
[Trans] Someday I will definitely go there again.. Together with the person I'm going to love.. Someday... For sure, the dream that I've had for such a long time.. Bora Bora~

14:41 KST
스트리밍인가 뭐신가 그만 하셔도되요~그냥 내가 좋은음악 좋은노래 부를수있는.. 그리고 그음악을들어주는 여러분들이 있기에 그걸로 만족합니다..공정성이라는거 이미 우리와는 먼 얘기 였으니까... 그래봤자 난 지치지 않을꺼니까..^^
[Trans] It’s okay that you don’t have to do anything like ‘live playing’~ just as long as I’m able to sing good songs and good music… and to have everyone who listens to these great music, I am already satisfied… Because the so-called fairness has left us long ago… Nonetheless, I will not feel tired and sick of it.. ^^
T/N: ‘Live playing’ is when fans bought music vouchers and used it to buy ‘live playing’ online through various music sites. The no. of times that music was played will determine its popularity.

15:41 KST
가고싶다 여기~
[Trans] I wish to go here.

Source: Junsu's Twitter
Translated by AllRiseXiahtic @ twitter & rachui @ sharingyoochun
Via DBSKnights & sharingyoochun
Shared by Tasha @DongBang-BLAQ

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