Sunday, May 13, 2012

[TWITTER] 120513 Jaejoong's Twitter Update + his sister's reply

00:45 KST
몸과 마음이 지칠때 머릿속을 피곤하게 괴롭히는게 음악이고 닳고 닳아서 작아지는 영혼을 치유해주는것도 음악이니..그만둘수도 소홀할수도없다..몇시간 못잘텐데 짧은시간에 곡을쓰고있는 내모습이 증명해주니까..이건 뭐랄까..
[Trans] At times when my body and heart is fatigued, the thing that torments and wears my mind out is music, but it is also music that heals my spirit that slowly becomes smaller as it wears out bit by bit.. So I can't give up on music, and neither can I not care about it.. Even though I don't get many hours of sleep, the short time that I spend writing songs is evidence of that, so.. What should I call this..

00:57 KST
[Trans] Mm.. That's the degree of passion Joongie has isn't it... To love and express.. The mentality of a pro.. So cool..

Source: Jaejoong & Kim Su Young's Twitter
Translated by allrisexiahtic @ twitter

Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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