Sunday, May 13, 2012

[TWITTER] 120513 Manager Byungki’s Twitter Update

11:54 KST
무대뒤에서도 연습 또 연습!! 힘들지만즐거운날
[Trans] Even practicing over and over again backstage!! A hard yet happy day

12:02 KST
이준씨의요청이있었지만 심의에걸려서 얼굴만 생존신고! 옆에 손은 누구일까요?ㅋㅋ
[Trans] Although it is Lee Joon's request but it is a face survival report without passing the examine! Who is the owner of the hand beside him? keke

Source: Manager Byungki’s Twitter
Translated by crispee & SilenceLuv @
Reuploaded by ashajyothi & SilenceLuv @

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