Tuesday, May 15, 2012

[TWITTER] 120514 Yoo Chun & Kim Sohyun's Twitter Conversation

00:07 KST
Yoo Chun: @wowkimsohyun 소현아~~~이제 우리의 생일이 다가온다~^^ㅎㅎ
[Trans] Sohyun-ah~~~ Now our birthday is getting closer~~^^ㅎㅎ

15:40 KST
Sohyun: @6002theMicky ㅎㅎ소녀두 저하랑 생일이 같은걸 무한한 영광으로 생각하고 있습니다^^~근데 소녀가 오늘 성적표를 올리기로 했는데 성적표가 안나와서 본의아니게 거짓말쟁의가 된거같아서ㅠㅠ요새촬영이 많이 힘드실텐데 항상 웃으십시요^^♥
[Trans] ㅎㅎ I think of it as a great honour to share the same birthday as Your Highness, too^^~ But although I said I would upload my school report card today, because it hasn't been released yet, it's not my intention but it seems like I became a liarㅠㅠ Recently filming must be really tiring, but please always smile^^♥

16:15 KST
Yoo Chun: @wowkimsohyun ㅎㅎㅎ~^^오빠가 너때문에 웃지요~^^!!!
[Trans] ㅎㅎㅎ~^^ Oppa smiles because of you~^^!!!

16:19 KST
Yoo Chun: @wowkimsohyun ♥♥오빤 하트 두개톼~~아!!!
[Trans] ♥♥ Oppa gives you two hearts~~!!!

18:04 KST
Sohyun: @6002theMicky 유천삼촌~~~~ㅋㅋㅋ^^~근데 저희삼촌은 40살이셔서.....유천오빠가 맞는듯.....^^~♥
[Trans] Uncle Yoochun~~~~ㅋㅋㅋ^^~ But then my uncle is 40 years old so..... It seems like Yoochun-oppa is still right....^^~♥

18:21 KST
Yoo Chun: @wowkimsohyun 에~~~~고롬 오빠라고해야지 ㅠ삼촌은 무슨~~!!!!!!^^
[Trans] Ey~~~~ Of course you should still call me oppaㅠ What on earth is uncle~~!!!!!!^^

Source: Yoo Chun & Sohyun's Twitter
Translated by allrisexiahtic @ twitter
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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