Thursday, May 17, 2012

[TWITTER] 120517 Jaejoong's Twitter Updates

00:59 KST
@1215thexiahtic 형드디어 앨범받았어! 
[Trans] Hyung finally received your album!

16:45 KST
오늘 제작 발표회때 건네주신 드리미 너무 감사해요~ 어려분들께 큰 힘이될생각을하니 어깨가 들썩들썩!
[Trans] Thank you so much for the rice donations that were sent to the production press conference today~ At the thought that it will become great strength for others, my shoulders are lifted.

Translated by allrisexiahtic @ twitter & Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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