Monday, July 23, 2012

[NEWS] 120723 MBLAQs Hot concert in Seoul

(translated part of the article)

At the concert not just fans in their 10s or 20s but also those over 30 could also be easily seen. A male in his 30s who said he came as his girlfriend was a fan said "I was not really expecting much cuz it was a male Idol's concert but was really surprised. Their vocals are amazing!".
A couple in their late 20s said "The weight of their music is amazing and they have strong very masculine performance so we both like MBLAQ"

Their musical talent and performance is surely intense but MBLAQ themselves are bright and humorous. The members were playful and talkative throughout the concert and lead a stage that was full of MBLAQ's own charm. As at the end Mblaq emphasized " I am sorry but we really did not prepare an Encore".... "Really. We do not have a encore stage prepared". Because of this numerous emphasis and seeing MBLAQ  performing with all their energy as if it really was their last song.... Even the staff thought "Oh! there must be no encore stage for today". So when the stage light went off and MBLAQ said "Prepare for the Encore stage please" There was enormous cheer from the audience. But even with the cheer the members were.. "you are not that pleased?" and pretended to walk off the stage. Joon not missing a beat in this playful act claimed "Finally my Solo stage has been provided! I have been waiting for this opportunity!" and made everyone burst with laughter.

Source: eToday
Translated: Mroaming@twitter

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