Tuesday, January 24, 2012

[FANCAM] 120114 JYJ Lotte Fanmeet

Jaejoong: One song?
(Fans screaming yes)
Jaejoong: Yozora ni~ (beginning of “W”)
Jaejoong: Do you know this song? Aitakute~
Junsu: Aitakute~
Jaejoong:Aitakute~~ (Yoochun doesn’t sing) Oh, that’s so mean of you, Yoochun.
Yoochun: That’s W right?I actually like “Itsu datte kimi ni “ more~
Jaejoong: Ahh..okay how about that one? Okay then, here we go.
Jaejoong: *sings* Yes. I still remember it, everyone~
(Fans screaming thank you)

Jaejoong: Compared to artists that are debutting right now in Japan…the three of us are a liiiitle bit older right~ because we’re not 21 or 23…But we can still keep going. We’re still energetic (T/N: healthy) And we’re still usable (T/N: as in,their bodies are still healthy to keep working hard)
Yoochun: Usable?
Jaejoong: Well, well, not that kind of meaning~!
Yoochun: By usable you mean…?
Jaejoong: No no no~
Yoochun: Oh you didn’t mean it that way?
Jaejoong: Well, you see, trying to make you guys laugh and to be able to leave an impression on all of you, we still have the confidence to do this~ And we can still dance. And we can still move! The three of us, we are increasingly gaining confidence to keep going forward. (can’t stop laughing) But really, what I meant earlier by “use”, really wasn’t THAT kind of meaning.
Yoochun: If it wasn’t THAT kind of meaning, then what kind of meaning was it?
(Fans start yelling shyoyuukoto~ Jae’s oyaji gag: He asks doyuukoto and his answer is shoyukoto. Doyuukoto = what is the meaning of this)
Jaejoong: By “use” I meant…Actually we don’t have time for this.
Yoochun: It’s a little bit odd right…
Jaejoong: Fine, it has multiple meanings. I apologise.
(Fans start yelling doyuukoto~)
Jaejoong: (points at fans) Please don’t laugh~!
(Fans keep yelling doyuukoto)
Jaejoong: Shoyukoto shoyukoto!

MC: First of all, I would like each of you to greet the fans. Oh but first after drinking water.
(Fans start screaming Junsu)
Junsu: It’s been a long time~
(Fan screams Junsu I love you!”
Junsu: Haha thank you. And so today I’m supposed to be speaking in Japanese. I don’t know whether to be thankful for this event or not. It’s a little bit…but I hope that today, until the end, we can keep communicating with each other. I’ll do my very best. It has really been a long time, right? It seems like I can remember some of your faces. Really I mean it! Really!
Jaejoong: Really?
Junsu: I’m not saying I can remember everyone..but some faces! Yes yes yes
Jaejoong: When you say some, how many do you remember?
Junsu: Taking a quick look…like 12 faces?
MC: Ah 12 people? That’s great that you can remember so many faces…
Junsu: Yea, they’re faces and their atmosphere…
Jaejoong: You can recognize 12 people by their atmosphere?
Junsu: That’s right
MC: Junsu san, you’re gradually falling into a mess here aren’t you?
Junsu: EU KYANG KYANG. Thank you.
MC: Now Yoochun please
Jaejoong: Eh, shouldn’t we be going by order?
Yoochun: Ah well, Jaejoong is the leader so he should go last.
MC: Oh I’m so sorry!
Jaejoong: Okay-
Yoochun: Yea so you should be last
Jaejoong: Okay- it’s been a long time! I’m Jaejoong.
(Fan yells Jaejoong you’re hot!)
Jaejoong: Yes. Exactly. It’s been a long time, right? Has everyone been doing well? Thank you~It’s really been so long I don’t know where to start~ First of all, well, I’m happy to see you,
(Fan yells I wanted to see you)
Jaejoong: I know~~! You know, there’s a lot I want to say, but it may seem that my Japanese is a little weak. It all comes to my mind really quick but not so much from the mouth. So everyone can understand me inspite of that, I’ll be very happy. Let’s have fun today! Okay, Yoochun!
Yoochun: It’s been a long time! Actually, Jaejoong keeps in touch with his friends in Japan, so his Japanese is really hasn’t gotten that worse…
Jaejoong: Yea but it’s only thorugh mail.
Yoochun: Eh?Well even so…
Jaejoong: That’s..that’s all I do…
Yoochun: But even if it’s mailing I think…
Jaejoong: So I can think of it in my head…
(Fan yells Junsu do your best!! And Yoochun starts laughing)
Junsu: I’m REALLY trying hard right now! Really trying hard, you know..Well when I’m trying to explain something..I think my Japanese hasn’t gotten too bad but when I’m trying to explain my own feelings or something, and describing things like that, I still find that a little difficult.
Jaejoong: It just occurred to me just now but Junsu’s pronounciation of “tsu” is a bit..
Yoochun: Yea yea!
Jaejoong: It’s gotten a little..weird..
Junsu: That’s not true!!
Jae and Chun: Tsu, tsu!
Junsu: Tsu..
Jaejoong: Wah!
Junsu: Ta chi tsu te to (Japanese hiragana) Na ni nu ne no. Wa o n.
MC: What did everyone think of Junsu’s ta chi tsu te to?
Yoochun: Okay, please take care of us today~

During Europe tour
MC: Were there any funny stories from while you were there?
Jaejoong:(looks at Junsu) Were there?
Junsu: Picaso..I went to Picaso’s museum.
MC: Ah! How was it?
Junsu: I couldn’t understand it at all….The extent of that reality…couldn’t comprehend it..
Yoochun: About Junsu’s visit to the museum, he said “I think I’m better than Picaso…I can’t tell the difference betwee mine and Picaso’s”..
Jaejoong: Picaso’s art is more like sketches than finalized pieces right? So he looked at those drawings and said “This kind of like what I did in elementary school..”
MC: Ah I see. So it seems you’ve overcome Picaso?
Junsu: Well that’s cheongmal (he said “really” in Korean instead of Japanese) Ah no no no (in English) that’s wrong. It’s because I don’t know enough about art that I said something like that.
Yoochun: Pika~chu.
MC: Overcome Picaso and become Pikachu!
Junsu: No but really, I was moved (emotionally, by the art)!
Yoochun: You were? Really?
(Junsu stutters and Yoochun imitates him)
Junsu: It was really amazing
MC: Hmm it gives you energy right?
Junsu: Yes, it really gave me energy~ Yoochun didn’t come with us. The two of us went but Yoochun stayed alone at the hotel.
Yoochun: When I go overseas for work, staying in the hotel is most relaxing for me. I’d rather not go outside…
MC: Ahhh so you just relax in the room?
Yoochun: Yes, I’ve become that kind of person…
MC: So that’s Yoochun’s style, I see~
Yoochun: Sausage! Was really good! German sausage was really good..
MC: How about beer?
Yoochun: The beer…
Jae and Chun: Japanese beer is actually better.
Yoochun: Japanese beer is more smooth, so it’s more…(makes sound)
(Jae makes drinking motion loll)
MC: So it seems that your future plans are to hold concerts in March in Peru and Chile! As it’s the first time as Asian artists to hold such a concert, what are your thoughts and feelings about that?
Jaejoong: Well…it’s the first time right? Not just regards to work but..ah wait Junsu once went to Brazil, but going to those countries all 3 of us together is the first time for us. It’s the first time..and we’re very happy to hear that there are many fans waiting for us. Hmmm well, we don’t know to what extent they’ll cheer us on because we’ve never been there, but we’ll try our hardest and enthusiastically sing and dance. By doing that I think we’ll able to get a good reaction from the fans…
MC: Yes. It seems that on a radio broadcast in Peru, JYJ has been number 1 on the charts for 3 weeks. And also Jaejoong san has been voted in a magazine in Spain as the most sexiest man in the world. I don’t think there is definitely a mistake in this, haha.
Jaejoong: Se-se-sexy??
Yoochun: And that sexy Jaejoong…he’s a member of JYJ right? It’s really great. I really think he’s sexy!
Jaejoong: Next topic please.
MC: Okay, well please support JYJ as they advance onto a worldwide stage.
Yoochun: Thank you very much.

Credit: yukahae
Trans+shared by: sharingyoochun.net

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