Tuesday, January 24, 2012

[NEWS] 120124 JYJ’s international fans donate $9,000 to ‘Mango Tree Project’

According to JYJ member Jaejoong‘s fan site PrinceJJ.com, JYJ’s international fans teamed up with the fan site to donate nearly $9,000 to the Mango Tree project.
Prince JJ reported, “Today, we received email from World Vision that expressed their thanks to fans and also provided the document certifying their receival of JYJ’s International Fans’ donation of 10 million won (approximately $9,000). This would not have been possible without the support and participation from fans who opened their hearts to the cause and also lent their trust to us. PrinceJJ is very humbly grateful that you’ve entrusted us to organize this donation drive.”
‘Mango Tree’ is a charity project that seeks to plant mango trees as a sign of hope for children in Sudan.
It’s heartwarming to see that fans are continuing to do good in the names of their favorite K-pop bands. JYJ must be proud!

Source & Image: PrinceJJ.com
Credit: allkpop

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