Monday, January 23, 2012

[VID] 120122 JYJ On Lima News Channel

Brief trans:

Reporter: A message from Peru to Korea. Fans “ANNYEONG HASEYO! CASSIOPEIA IMNIDA !”

(Around 4:05)
Fanboy: my girlfriend broke up with me because she said i was listening to much to the group (holding a Yoochun banner)
Reporter: so your girlfriend broke up with you… because of the group?
Fanboy: Yeah… i love Yoochun so she wasnt really happy…
Reporter: uh?… Do you love Yoochun?
Fanboy: yeah i love yoochun… love its like… hmmm… i follow his steps… i admire him a lot… so yeah… i love yoochun…

(*what the reporter said* Axel is one of the JYJ’s fanboys here… that can accept his love for them without feeling bad for it)

Fanboy: im gonna kidnap Yoochun… i said it before… seriousy…
Reporter: u wanna kidnap him… why?
Fanboy: oh… we can play with my play station… play football…maybe i can introduce him some of my friends (female friends)… Yoochun is a man you know…
(in english) Yoochun, I LOVE YOU!!!

Reporter’s description of Junsu: “Junsu Kim, who texts his mom everyday and want to be a girl in his next life “

Credit: Zinthiaez
Trans by: @jaesicle+@freecoconut
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