Sunday, March 18, 2012

[FAN ACCOUNT] 120317 TONE Tour in Saitama

The concert I wasn’t supposed to go. I have a ticket for the 18th, but since I was in Tokyo, I really wanted to go the the 17th concert too. I thought I really wasn’t going to get a ticket, but in the end, this morning, with the help of friend and japanese friends of my friend, and japanese friend of this japanese friend I managed to get a ticket for the first day in Saitama *.*

I had an awful morning, I had to change guest house, it was raining, and in the end, I was only able to go in front of the venue at 2:30 PM (I was supposed met the women who sold me her ticket at 4pm). On my way out of the subway, I saw two girls who seemed to have the same pants (and maybe whole outfit) of the Dance Version of Keep Your head Down. yeah, the brown one with circle… How in the word are those thing really sold ?

First thing, I was welcomed by a big banner and that put me in a good mood right away :) . Then I went to see the venue itself and saw this huge banner that I remember they had signed when TONE was released in September (or I think it was this one).
There was stand who sold CDs. There was a poster of the tour and I wanted one. I asked the lady wh much they sold them, and she said it was only for the people who bought CDs… But what was I supposed to do, since I already had ALL the Cds in all the versions ? They were aso selling other SM Town artists Cds but I didn’t wanted to buy them, so i had to say goodbye to the poster…
I saw the queue for the goodies and since I still had one hour left before getting my ticket, I queued too. Sadly, the pens where already sold-out… The queue was ewtremely fast, and in not even 20 minutes , I had been able to buy everything that I wanted (except the pens T.T), and I was now poor. The scarf was really awesome. It was as big as me, all soft and warm, with a tone logo embroded. The pamphlet was also super pretty. I went to the nearby toilet to change into my new Tour red Tshirt and it was the hour for me to get my ticket.

Then, the door opened so I entered the venue, not really knowing where my seat would be, and not really understanding the 5473587 figures on my ticket. I ended up on the second floor, on the side seats. I was around the middle of the venue. Not fully close from the stage, I wouldn’t be able to see their face, but I still had a pretty good view of the entire stage. I was trying to compare with concerts I already went, but there is no venue this size in France, so in the end, I had no idea. I got down in the pit just to look at where I will be located tomorrow, and I was happy because it was a really good seat, just beside the premium ones, in the arena, and on Yunho’s side.

Little by little, the venue was getting fuller, and I saw more and more red everywhre, even with the lights on. All the Bigeast had put their towel on their shoulder, and I got a bit jaleous. I wished I could be Bigeast too T.T
From time to time, the big screen were broadcasting CF for their singles and albums.And that’s when i saw a big difference betwen the jap fans and the europeans. When they showed the boys on screen, all the japs stay really calm, as if nothing had happened, while in Europe, people would have gone batshit about it, screaming their lungs out.

At 6:10 PM, the concert began with B.U.T it’s far from being my favourite song of the album, but I didn’t care, the hype of the concert made be love every song.
With the lights off, we could see and absolutely beautiful and flawless red ocean. The most beautiful I had been a part of as of now. Everybody were moving their lightstick in sync, and it felt like a heartbeat, it was so beautiful my eyes got teary. I was really happy to be a part of it.
Then it was Superstar, and everybody was shouting like a “Eyy Oh !!” (even if we still know know what it’s supposed to mean). I was jumping a bit and unfortunately hit once or twice my neighbour with my lightstick. Sorry.
I had my scarf around my neck, and I usd it to hide my camera so that I could take pics, but I was a bit too far from the stage.
Then, on I think you know, they did something cool. They were on some kind of little cage (one in each cage) that went up and down on both side of the stage.

After that it was MC time, with a short introduction like “I’m Yunho and I’m happy to be here, how are you tonight Saitama ?”, or things like that…
Then it was Mirotic time and the new dance (the new one is nice, but… why ? The original dance is a myth T.T) followed by Toki wo Tomete. I really like how Yunho’s voice sounded on this song. After Thank You my Girl and some VCR, they did an extended version of Maximum, with a extra dance part in the middle. And it was seriously so cool. It started with some short sword who changed int umbrella later, with some traditionnal music on the background, and they did a dance with the umbrellas, it was really nice. All of that on the scene who looked like a trditionnal house. So nice… and during the moment where Yunho is bending is back as if he had received a beam, the back screen really showed a shockwave. The reult was really nice.

After time, with had the Yunho vampire VCR, and as if it wasn’t sexy enough already, it was followed by Honey Funny Bunny and this was… gaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Not words, just… gaaaaaaaaah… temperature rised very fast on the venue with all those hipthrust. I wonder hos the front row fans managed to stay alive after having taken that amsot right in front of their face…

During Before U Go, the outfits were a bit weird. It let their shoulder appear, so in the end, it looked as if they got suits whose sleeves got pulled and tore at the shoulder. Strange. For a while on this song, I had the dilemna “will I look at the stage, to them them with my eyes, or will I look at the screen, because it’ clearer ?” in the end, I noticed that the screen often showed Yunho’s crotch during the paticular time of the dance. Cameraman, you got it right. And I stared at the screens.
During Duet, we got a litte flying in the airs, each from his side, but they mett in the middle of the stage at the end.
Then, it was followed by I don’t know, and Changmin’s VCR. I thought that it was going to be Rusty Nail but no, it was Telephone, followed by Shiawase iro no Hana and the second MC of the night.

And this one was freaking long. Changmin doing most of the talking. I didn’t understand what they were saying, but I understood that he liked trolling the fans. Once he said something, and all the audience went “eeeeeeee ?”, and he laughes at this saying it was funny
They made all of us sit, and they sat on the ground too. Once, Changmin even lied a bit, but it was because he made a joke and was the only one to laugh at it. It went on for a while, and I was almost falling asleep (not understanding + extreme tiredness due to the past days), but Yunho said “Changmin-ah !” pretty liud, and the only thing I could register was that he sounded super sexy when he raised his voice.
Then they did some aegyo, speaking with cute little voice, and it was just so weird.
The fanservice time looked awkward. They were both meters apart from each other, then Changmin got up to join Yunho. It looked really… not natural and pretty forced in my opinion. They didn’t look 100% at ease.
After that they talked about food in the different places they had visited for the tour, and Changmin had forgotten half of the cities thay visited. the crowd had t remind him of Nagoya, Niigata, Hiroshima…So it was Changmin and food… an endless topic. No wonder that MC lasted so long.

Back to the songs, with Back to tomorrow, and OMG, the live version is even better than the CD version. It’s my faourite jap song from Homin, adn I hadn’t seen any fancam, so I was thrilled to discover it. The audio, with live instrument… everything was just so perfect.

Then it was finally Rusty Nail Time, and Changmin totally rocked the stage.

BREAK OUT was awesome as expected. I had always lved this song, and I was finally to discover it in a live version, with a dance on it.

On Easy Mind, Yunho did some cute things, like puffing his cheeks, or doing the angel xiah pose, exept that it was Yunho. I was wondering since when when Yunho was in charge of the cutesy in the band.
Then, it was Summer dream, followed by High Time, with somme ribbons threw on the crowd.

It was time for another VCR, with a backtime reminder of all their jap singles released since their some back in 2011. It ended on january, 26th, to introduce the next song : Keep Your Head Down. There was fire on stage (the kind of planned one, not an accident ^^), fire on their outfit, and it was super nice.

Then they left, and everybody was chanting “Tohoshinki !” to bring them back. Even the muscians had lightstick and were waving them with us.

They came back with Rising Sun, still as good as ever and another MC.
Changmin didn’t have the time to refresh, so his long hair added to his sweat created some kind of mane around his face. It was funny. He left a few seconds, and when he was back, his hair were back to normal. They did their “We are T” thing. like the “we are X” of X-Japan, expect that it was T… well, for Tohoshinki of course ^^’ Changmin spoke about Valentine’s day, and girls in the audience went “woooooh” which made Yunho ask “Why ‘wooooh’ ?” with some really cute shoulder move.

They introduced their new song Still, followed by Weep. And when I was wondering if it was the end, and if we weren’t supposed to have Somebody to Love, they started singing the first notes acapella, before jumping everywhere, like always on this song. At one point, Changmin emptied a water bottle on his head while Yunho was boxing all alone. At the same time, on both side of the stage xD I was waving my lightstick like crazy, hitting my other neighbour (sorry >.

I took all my belongings really fast, because I feared about the crowded subway, but I couldn’t find in me to be sad that it was over. because I’m still going tomorrow, and I really can’t wait.
The concert lasted 3 hours, and if i’m not mistaken, it was full live sang. The boys delivered a really great performance as usual, and I didn’t regretted to have come to Japan to see this awesome tour.

Credit: Leia-chan
Shared by: Jasmi @ DongBang-Blaq

More pix from Saitama

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