Sunday, March 18, 2012

[TRANS] EXO interview: Yunho is a very attractive and responsible leader

New group EXO was recently interviewed by 《highcut》, CHAN YEOL and Suho mentioned Yunho sunbae during the interview. The following is the translation of the part about Yunho:

——When you first joined SM, who is the sunbae you wanted to get close to?
CHAN YEOL: Even though when I was little, I didn’t really know much about idols or singers, but DBSK is the first idol group that I liked. Out of the five sunbaes, my favorite was Yunho Sunbae. He really is very attractive, I admire his sense of responsibility and leadership skills.

Suho: When we were trainees, Yunho sunbae helped us a lot. Whether its dancing, singing, or performing, he was always there to help us, giving us a lot advice on choreography.

Source: highcut
Credit: 露露+baidutvxq
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