Wednesday, March 21, 2012

[ME2DAY] 120321 MBLAQ's Update

19:19 KST
내일(22일) MNET 엠카운트다운 참여안내! 사전녹화(RUN) PM 1:30 / 임원도착 PM 12:00 / 생방입장(사랑이 온다) PM 5:00 ㅠㅠ 음악방송 마지막주입니다.ㅠㅠ 많이많이 참여하셔서 폭풍응원 부탁드립니다.!!^-^
[Trans] The Participating Info of Tomorrow(22th)'s Mnet M!Countdown! Pre-recording(RUN) PM 1:30 / Fanclub staff's arrival PM 12:00 / Live entrance(Love Is Coming) PM 5:00 ㅠㅠ It'll be the last week of music program. ㅠㅠ Please participate a lot and cheer like a storm!!^-^

Translated by: qwert@AbsoluteMBLAQ
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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