Thursday, March 8, 2012

[TRANS] 120302 Tohoshinki – Excite Interview

Excite: Your new single ‘Still’ is to be released on March 14th, which is also White Day in Japan. Does Korea also have White Day?
Yunho: Yes, we do.
Excite: What kind of memories do you have of White Day?
Changmin: Returning the same thing that I received (Lol)
Excite: What~!That’s not a present, that’s just returning something!
Changmin: Haha I’m joking. But I don’t really have any romantic memories from White Day. Of course I do give presents in return from people I received them from. I’m also the kind of person to give presents to people who didn’t get me anything too.
Yunho: For me, it’s a story from my teens but I gave a bouquet of flowers.
Excite: That’s romantic!
Yunho: It was a bouquet shaped candy sculpture. A bouquet made out of candy. Amezaiku (T/N: that’s what these kinds of candy is called) is very popular in Korea.

Excite: I see, thats the punch line~ Well then, your new song ‘Still’ seems to have the lingering affections of a man as theme and it is a mid tempo ballad right?
Yunho: Yes. I thought anyone has had this kind of experience at least once. Those kind of painful feelings from past memories of a loved one.
Excite: It has the sort of impression that after you listen to it once you can keep singing it, but what where your first impressions when you first heard it?
Yunho: It’s a good song for Tohoshinki, but it’s a little difficult to sing.
Changmin: It has a high range.
Yunho: But after hearing it the first time, I thought the melody was soft, and it stays in your memory, and that it’s the type of song you can sing at a karaoke. Then after reading the lyrics, I was even more touched.
Changmin: For me, I had the impression that it was unusual. In the spring, there’s usually more songs that are full of hope and more bright right? But ‘Still’ has become more of a sad ballad.
Excite: Spring is also season of farewell, so this might fit it quite well actually, right?
Changmin: That’s true. It’s also the time of graduation. So I think this song works well.
Excite: While singing this, what were some points where you were extra careful?
Yunho: For me, I made sure the flow of the story in the lyrics was sung well. First, it’s about remembering memories of the past so rather than expressing hurt feelings, I sang it more in way of feelings that were suppressed. But by the end, more and more of the feelings are gradually expressed. That’s kind of the way I sang it.
Changmin: It’s almost spring, and this is about the time I had with a girlfriend during last spring. The season that I spent a year ago in love with a girlfriend has now arrived again, all sorts of memories are coming back to me and becoming lonely thinking about the past. I imagined myself in this kind of situation and sang this song.
Excite: Are there any colours that you envision from ‘Still’?
Yunho: For me I think it would be grey. Because it’s my own memories, I can recall them if I want to, but I won’t let myself to wander to those thoughts. That kind of image. A little bit of a pale grey colour.
Changmin: For me it’s more of a faded colour. That’s the kind of image I have.
Excite: Do you describe it a a faded colour because it’s a sentimental song?
Changmin: Yea exactly. I would say yellow, but a very faded yellow.
Yunho: Indeed. When you listen to this song, it makes you feel sentimental.
Excite: The second track ‘One More Thing’, has a different flavor from ‘Still’, and it was created with a more uplifting sweet feeling right?
Changmin: Yes, that’s right. The kind of message it has is that I’ll always make you happy so always stay by my side, so it’s much brighter. It’s a completely different colour from ‘Still’.
Excite: You could say this one has a theme of tolerance. You’ll protect her, and draws out the a man’s feelings of always supporting her.
Changmin: Yes. The foundation is that men will protect their woman. Because of those kinds of feelings, I think you can also feel a sadness similar to what you feel in “Still’.
Yunho: For this single, memories, memories of the past, is the concept. But ‘Still’ is painful and sad memories whereas ‘One More Thing’ is more happy and fun memories. In ‘One More Thing’, it’s about the memories of when you first met your girlfriend, and the growing feelings since then.
Changmin: Yea. “Still” has the feeling of looking back at fond memories and feeling sadness because of that, like how you feel when you graduate. “One More Thing’ is about new beginnings, and has a hope filled message. Certainly there is a link between the two songs.
Yunho: Spring is a happy season but it also has a painful feel to it. It would be good to listen to “One More Thing’ and feel happy, but also to listen to ‘Still’ and soak up in the old memories of a past love might not be such a bad thing~ That’s what I think.
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