Thursday, March 8, 2012

[TRANS] 120306 JYJ Park Yoochun “Noona-Dongsaeng Relationship Trend~”, Coupled With Han Ji Min For ‘Rooftop Prince’‏

Singer cum actor Park Yoochun (26) will be acting with actress Han Ji Min (30) in SBS drama ‘Rooftop Prince’ as a older-girlfriend-younger-boyfriend couple.

On the 5th at Jamshil Lotte Hotel, Park Yoochun expressed his thoughts, “When I saw Han Ji Min noona for the first time, I thought, ‘How can she be 30 years old?’”, “Rather than feeling that she is a noona of four years senior, there is none of such feelings during the collaboration. Her skin is very good too.”

To this, Han Ji Min said, “When I got to know that the actor is going to be younger than me, I got agitated.”, “However as in the drama as they are not of noona-dongsaeng couple, I did not notice this (age difference) when I was acting.”

Upon asking the benefits when acting with a younger actor, Han Ji Min jokingly said, “Usually at filming location, I would whine cutely to encourage everyone for a better filming atmosphere. But this time round at the filming location, I would sit and rest aside while Yoochun or the staffs would do some happy stuffs to liven up the atmosphere. I’m glad for it.”

She further said, “The fans’ support had me working without an empty stomach. At location, he was even named the ‘Welfare Officer’, providing lots of delicious food.”
‘Rooftop Prince’ is about crown prince Lee Gak (Park Yoochun) who have lost his beloved crown princess Bu Yong (Han Ji MIn) [T/N: It should be Jung Yoo Mi], time travelled 300 years later with his courtiers to the 21st century Seoul, continuing his unrequited love. The drama will be premiering on the 14th.

Source: readersnews
Credit: rooftop prince baidu
Trans by: rachui@sharingyoochun
Shared by: Jasmi @ DongBang-Blaq

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