Saturday, March 10, 2012

[TRANS] 120309 JYJ will debut in Chile tonight

This Friday at 9PM, in Teatro Caupolicán, the Korean group JYJ will debut in Chile and in South America.A test of their style of music, called kpop, is arriving with intensity to this side of the world.

“Pop is well received in all of the countries where it came from. Music is a common language for everyone. The rhythm and passion are contagious.” said Junsu, a member of the group JYJ.

The group already finished 2 CDs, is working on a third and coordinating a new world tour. In Peru, their tickets sold out in half an hour. Some media compared the phenomenon with that of Justin Bieber. They are already preparing a third album for the middle of this year, and in December they will begin a new world tour that will serve to bring recognition of Kpop around the globe.

Source: cnn-chile
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