Saturday, March 10, 2012

[TRANS] 120309 Pro-gamer Yeom Bosung Mentioned Junsu in His Interview

(T/N: Only translated the part where he mentioned Junsu)

I got to know Seo Kyungjong hyung ever since I became a trainee of POS. Since the very first time I met Kyungjong hyung, I had a good impression of him and we became close very quickly. I am very grateful that he supports me, introduces me to a lot of nice people. Particularly, he introduced me to (Kim) Junsu hyung (laugh). [...] In a week, I usually have one day off. On that day, I often meet Kyungjong hyung, Junsu hyung and Junsu hyung's manager. We would go to a coffee shop or go to the PC Bang and have a team-play match. As a pro-gamer, I have met a lot of gag men and singers. Junsu hyung is really generous, kindhearted and definitely loves playing games. It is really nice that whenever I meet Junsu hyung, I am able to play games without worrying of anything. Junsu hyung will pay for all the meals and PC Bang fees. Kyujong hyung always says to me "No matter how you think of it, Junsu hyung is really kindhearted". I am not saying it because this is an interview. It's the truth. Even my friends who are not jealous of me being a pro-gamer are all jealous when I say I know Junsu hyung. Junsu hyung is indeed really popular.

Translation by: SweetieXiah
Via: DBSKnights
Shared by: Jasmi @ DongBang-Blaq

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