Wednesday, April 25, 2012

[CHAT] 120423 Mir talking in the chatbox

  • Annyeong, keke
  • oppa's here, keke
  • hum,,
  • if only I could change the text color,,
  • I wrote it wrong, keke, various colors, ke
  • hum,,
  • huh
  • mm;;-_-;;
  • hasn't my brain always been active,,,my memory;;-_-
  • after I'm back please don't say things like "whoa Mir oppa daebak, what a surprise" keke
  • hum,,,
  • today you guys are not orderly,,
  • I'm leaving,,-_-
  • are you trying to fight me right now,,-_-,,,;
  • you're gonna beat me up,,-_-
  • that's also how the world works these days, kekeke
  • I don't know,,-_-;;
  • it feels like it works just fine without me, keke
  • if you're hot then what about me, kekeke
  • right now my inner thigh is very itchy, what should I do,,-_-
  • I'm at the hospital, keke
  • I hurt my back again,,-_-
  • you're not even concerned,,-_-
  • such heartless people
  • if you don't study hard what happens when you fail your exams, kekeke I'm bad with studies so I can't help you,,-_-
  • huh, keke
  • what's up with that,,-_-;;;
  • you got number 9 in your school,, some of the kids that came to fansign are number 1~,,-_-
  • be diligent~
  • no matter how many comments I got, I'd only read about 20, keke
  • can you tell Joon and CD to contact me,, -_-
  • it'd work if you tell them,,-_-
  • it's only because I'm a little anxious to see Joon tomorrow since I haven't seen him in a while,,keke
  • why
  • he's someone that's more like a monarch,,,-_-
  • mm, keke
  • Sejong service~ kekeke [Sejong was a Korean monarch]
  • this isn't going anywhere, keke
  • what I've been thinking is
  • how come the color still hasn't come out,,-_-;;
  • what I've been thinking is
  • reading and writing lyrics everyday, time passes by just like that
  • so I'm going to try to make games as a hobby, kekeke
  • why aren't you listening to me
  • I'm sorry,,-_-
  • not that it doesn't matter, kekeke
  • today I got 8 shots on my back, kekeke
  • my voice is also a little.. when I speak,, a little,
  • why are you nervous when I'm your dongsaeng,,-_-;;;
  • realistically speaking, this is not online game, this is reality right here
  • unit [GO/Mir subunit]??
  • we'll see,,,hum,,,
  • it'll be announced sooner or later~
  • but you're looking forward to unit,,??
  • hum,,,,,,,,,
  • sailors,kekeke,in reality, kekeke
  • GO and SH haven't even visited~ it's been 4 hours,,,,
  • disclosures,,, hum,,,
  • no you can't,kekekeke
  • if I announce it you'd know why I don't give any disclosures,,,-_-,,,
  • yeah it's like that~~
  • my back hurts, that's it for now,,-_-,,

Source: Daum Cafe, MBLAQ Baidu, Dee4hero @ twitter
Translated: Starlet @
Reuploaded: ☆sunshine @
Shared by Angela @ DongBang-BLAQ

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