Tuesday, May 15, 2012

[TWITTER] 120515 Junsu's Twitter Update‏s

02:04 KST
[Trans] Good night~ my babies..^^

팔배게 해줄께..^^잘자
[Trans] Using my arm as your pillow..^^ Good night

02:35 KST
밤하늘엔 별이 비추고 이밤은 너무고요해..
[Trans] Stars shining in the night sky, this night is so quiet
T/N: Lyrics from his solo album track 10 – Lullaby

10:27 KST
끝까지 대단한..멜 ...엠
[Trans] Until the end, it’s still impressive… Mel… M
T/N: Mel refers to Melon and M refers to Mnet.

10:32 KST
[Trans] Bora Bora~~

11:20 KST

11:22 KST
뮤비에 짧게나와서 이 모습 궁금해하시던분들을위해.~^^
[Trans] It’s been a short while since the MV has came out. To everyone who is curious about this image. ~ ^^

11:35 KST
[Trans] @yoonphantom Hyung, I wish to meet you~ T

11:44 KST
[Trans] @joohyunieee Noona~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!ㅎ

12:19 KST
[Trans] Hyung~ I miss you

12:22 KST
[Trans] @gentlechan Hyung~!ㅋ Have you been well?

13:06 KST
 See you soon~!!

13:07 KST
@ssoogilove 하악!
[Trans] Ha-ak!

13:09 KST
@JUNO_Japan 우리 화이팅 하자!!~^^
[Trans] Let's hwaiting together!!~^^

18:16 KST
우리 주말에 보자..^^ 
[Trans] See you over the weekend..^^

21:17 KST
모두 고마워~언제나^^ 
[Trans] Thank you everyone~ Always^^

credit: josiemiao, jnam & allrisexiahtic
Via rachui@sharingyoochun
Shared by Tasha @DongBang-BLAQ

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